If 18 % is 3 how much is 100 % and how did you came up with it ? ?

2008-10-11 3:03 pm

回答 (8)

2008-10-11 3:07 pm
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or 16 (2/3)
2008-10-11 4:17 pm
The simple Version is:

.18X = 3; Therefore X = 3/.18 = 16.67
參考: Basic algebra
2008-10-11 4:13 pm
Let the value of which 3 is 18% be- x
That means - 18% of x = 3
or 18/100*x=3
therefore, 18x = 100*3 and 18x = 300
thus, x = 300/18 = 50/3 = 16(2/3) or 16.666666666.....
參考: my brain.
2008-10-11 3:33 pm
Well 18% is equal to 3.
To write 18% in decimals is 18/100=0.18
We now assume that 100% is equal to x
then 0.18 times x be equal to 3 so:

Then we just divide both sides by 0.18
(2/3) is a number with infinity decimal places. (0.6666...)
2008-10-11 3:17 pm
18% 3
100% X=[(100%) x 3] / (18%)=
= 100 x 3/18=16.667
The whole thing is 16.667 NOT 16.667%
2008-10-11 3:11 pm
2008-10-11 3:11 pm
18% of something can be rewritten as:

18x/100 = 3

So you want to know what x is, because 100% of x is x

Multiply both sides by 100/18

x = 100 / 6 = 50 / 3
2008-10-11 3:10 pm
18%x = 3
18x/100 = 3
18x = 100(3)
18x = 300
x = 300/18
x = 50/3 (16 2/3)

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