Econ F.4

2008-10-12 6:13 am
Is it possible for "quantity supplied" and "quantity sold" to be equal?
Plz help me to answer this question! Thx!

回答 (3)

2008-10-12 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Although quantity demanded (Qd) and quantity supplied (Qs) are simply economic concepts and are unobservable, according to demand-supply theory, in market equilibrium, Qd = Qs = quantity transacted (Qt) where Qt is also equal to quantity sold by definition.
If the market price is not equilibrium, Qt = minimum of Qd and Qs.
So quantity sold and quantity supplied will be equal when market price is equal to or above the equilibrium price.

The quantity that a seller is willing to supply does not only depend on market price but also the non-monetary cost. If the 'full' price is also considered Qs must always be equal to Qt, which is also the same as quantity sold.
2008-10-14 8:08 am
When the market is at the state of equilibrium,which means the quantity that the sellers are willing and able to sell is equal to the quantity the buyers are willing and have the ability to buy,where Qs = Qd.
Therefore, quantity supplied" and "quantity sold" is equal.

In order words, it is possible for "quantity supplied" and "quantity sold" to be equal only when the market is in equilbrium.
2008-10-12 6:29 am

'Quantity supplied' refers to suppliers' plan, and does not imply
what can be actually selled (in what quantity and at what price) in
the market.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:09:08
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