細看以下的謎語 , 然後回答問題。 急.....急...... 20點

2008-10-12 5:45 am
1. Hand she has but does not hold.
Teeth she has but does not bite.
Feet she has but they are cold.
Eyes she has but without sight.

2. I am as cold as death
But ever breathing.
Never thirsty but ever drinking.
Covered with scales but never clinking.

回答 (5)

2008-10-13 6:01 am
2.咸魚,salt fish
參考: me
2008-10-12 7:02 am
1) Doll
Hands does not hold, Teeth does no bite, eyes cannot see. Feet are cold because no

2) Fish
Fish is a cold blooded animal, so always cold as death. Always sucking in water
to eat the microbes in the water but never thirsty. And fish is covered with scales but
make no sound.
參考: me
2008-10-12 6:59 am
The correct answers should be:

1. A doll.

2. A fish.
2008-10-12 6:17 am
2,Salt fish
參考: myself
2008-10-12 6:01 am

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