翻譯英文一篇(急)(不要copy 別人的)(20點)

2008-10-12 4:27 am
Hong Kong. Hong Kong residents voted yesterday in legislative elections that threatened to set back the opposition camp and its push for greater democratic freedoms in the Chinese-ruled territory.
Ordinary citizens were expected to cast fewer votes for pro-democracy candidates than in the last legislative race in 2004, when those politicians won new seats amid widespread anger over Beijing-backed officials and policies.
This year, the issue of democratic reform has largely taken a back seat to concerns about wages, education and inflation.


回答 (1)

2008-10-16 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港。 香港居民在被中國統治的疆土威脅阻礙反對派和它的推擠為更加偉大的民主自由的立法競選昨天投票了。
當那些政客贏取了新的位子在普遍憤怒之中在北京支持的官員和政策, 2004年平凡市民預計投下少量表決為擁護民主候選人比在最後立法種族。

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 22:28:37
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