Imcomplete Record 唔明

2008-10-12 1:39 am
Payment for rent, $500, and private travelling costs, $1000,had been deducted from cash sales prior to banking

我係cash book 的 credit side 入左 $500 rent 同 $1000 drawings
但係點解要係debit side 加 debtor $1500?

re:集思廣益編新章 但係我 cash book 度仲有 wages , telephone 呢類 expenses 點解偏偏得 rent 同 travelling expenses 先要特登用debtor黎補? 係唔係呢段英文提到話有debtor比 $1500 我地交 rent 同drawing?

回答 (3)

2008-10-12 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
從你的答案 Dr debtor $1500 ,
Cr cash $ 1500
來看,你問的問題點解Dr debtor $1500 只有一個解釋,就是rent不是你公司的數, 而是和travelling costs一樣,是代公司的某人付的私人費用,所以才入了debtor,否則的話,就應該入了 expenses了
2008-10-13 6:22 pm
所以第一係Dr Bank $1,500 Cr Sales $1,500 ,然後Cr Bank $1,500 Dr Debtor $1,500。之後將兩邊個Bank嘅Entry 取消,就得到答案。好多時出問題個先生係為考試而出題,所以有啲嘢寫得無咁清楚。如果佢響問題度已經入咗公司租金,咁租金無可能入兩次所以會去咗Debtor。
2008-10-12 5:31 am
The debtor did pay you $1,500 more. But, you used it to pay off the rent and travelling. You then credit the cash book and debit the expenses. But, where is the cash comes from. From Debtor! So, you have to record by Dr. Cash and Cr. Debtor in your cash book ( debit side in the cash book ) for $1,500 to balance the cash in and cash out.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 02:09:25
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