Maths probability

2008-10-11 11:46 pm
A square box of dimensions 10cm x 10cm is shown below
When a coin of radius 1cm is thrown into the box , what is the probability that it will lie entirely in the shaded area?

回答 (4)

2008-10-12 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案

When the coin in thrown into the box, the centre of the coin must lie in the shaded square:

Area of the shaded square

= (10 - 1 x 2)2 cm2

= 64 cm2

When the coin lie entirely in the shaded area, the centre of the coin must lie in a smaller square with side (8 - 1 x 2) cm = 6 cm

Area of the smaller square

= 62 cm2

= 36 cm2


= (36 cm2)/(64 cm2)

= 9/16
2008-10-13 2:31 am
Uncle Michael 是對的。

這作法假設了 coin 掉進 box 內,一定是平放,不為斜站在邊上。所以 center of coin 一定會落入 shaded area。至於要整個 coin 落入 shaded area, 就要 center of coin 落入 6x6 的 centered square 內。所求機率為 36/64 = 9/16.
2008-10-12 1:55 am
the area of shaded area:

the area of the coin:

P(the coin lies entirely in the shaded area):
參考: 自己計^^
2008-10-11 11:57 pm
the probability that it will lie entirely in the box:
the probability that it will lie entirely in theshaded area:

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