math hw meet diffictly ,anyone can help me ar!

2008-10-11 10:04 pm
i do math hw , meet a lot of difficulty . i hope have anyone can help me slove this problem,thank you so much
question 1: solve the simultaneous equations by elimination
{2x-y=5--- (1)

question 2: let e^2x=5, find e^3x+e^-3x /e^x + e^-x

question 3 :the product of two consecutive positve integers plus their sum is 71. Find the integers.

question 4: given 10x^2+4+1=2ax(2-x)
(a) Find the range of valies of a for which the equation has real roots.
(b) Find the values of a for which the equation has repeated (equal)roots.
(c) Find the range of values of a for which the equation has no real roots.

question 5: slove the simultaneous equations
{x+y=3 -------(1)
{3^x +3^y=12---(2)

above those questions i meet difficult ar, thank you so much !!^^

qustion 1 need to use elimination(消除法), not use 代入法

回答 (2)

2008-10-12 12:15 am
✔ 最佳答案

question 1:

(1): y = 2x - 5 ...... (3)

Put (3) into (2):

x2 + x(2x - 5) = 2

x2 + 2x2 - 5x = 2

3x2 - 5x - 2 = 0

(3x + 1)(x - 2) = 0

x = -1/3 or x = 2

Put the value of x into (3)

When x = -1/3, y = 2(-1/3) - 5 = -17/3

When x = 2, y = 2(2) - 5 = -1

Ans: x = -1/3, y = -17/3 or x = 2, y = -1

question 2:

(e3x + e-3x)/(ex + e-x)

= [e3x(e3x + e-3x)]/[e3x(ex + e-x)]

= (e3xe3x + e3xe-3x)/(e3xex + e3xe-x)

= (e3x+3x + e3x-3x)/(e3x+x + e2x)

= (e6x + 1)/(e4x + e2x)

= [(e2x)3 + 1]/[(e2x)2 + (e2x)]

= [(5)3 + 1]/[(5)2 + 5]

= [125 + 1]/[25 + 5]

= 126/30

= 21/5

question 3 :

Let n and (n + 1) be the two consecutive positive integers.

n(n + 1) + [n + (n + 1)] = 71

n2 + n + n + n + 1 = 71

n2 + 3n - 70 = 0

(n - 7)(n + 10) = 0

n = 7 or n = -10 (rejected)

n + 1 = 8

Ans: The two integers are 7 and 8.

question 4:

10x2 + 4x + 1 = 2ax ( 2 - x)

10x2 + 4x + 1 = 4ax - 2ax2

(10 + 2a)x2 + (4 - 4a)x + 1 = 0

The equation has real roots. ∆ ≥ 0

(4 - 4a)2 - 4(10 + 2a) ≥ 0

16 - 32a + 16a2 - 40 - 8a ≥ 0

16a2 - 40a - 24 ≥ 0

2a2 - 5a - 3 ≥ 0

(2a + 1)(a - 3) ≥ 0

a ≤ -1/2 or a ≥ 3

The equation has repeated roots. ∆ = 0

(4 - 4a)2 - 4(10 + 2a) = 0

(2a + 1)(a - 3) = 0

a = -1/2 or a = 3

The equation has no real roots. ∆ < 0

(4 - 4a)2 - 4(10 + 2a) < 0

(2a + 1)(a - 3) < 0

-1/2 < a < 3

question 5:

(1): x = 3 - y ...... (3)

Put (3) into (2):

33-y + 3y = 12

(33/3y) + 3y = 12

Multiply each term of the both sides by 3y:

33 + (3y)2 = 12(3y)

(3y)2 - 12(3y) + 27 = 0

(3y - 9)(3y - 3) = 0

3y = 9 or 3y = 3

3y = 32 or 3y = 31

y = 2 or y = 1

Put the value of y into (3):

When y = 2, x = 1

When y = 1, x = 2

Ans: x = 1, y = 2 or x = 2, y = 1
2008-10-12 12:24 am
2x-5 =y(3)
sub 3 into 2
x^2 + x(2x-5) =2
x^2 +2x^2 -5x =2
3x^2 -5x -2 =0
(x-2)(3x+1) =0
x= 2 or x= -1/3
2+y =3 or -1/3 +y =3
y=1 or y = 10/3

2. (e^3x + 1/e^3x) /( e^x + 1/e^x)
= e^6x/e^3x/e^2x/e^x (通分母)
=e^6x+x / e^2x+3x
therefore e^3x+e^-3x /e^x + e^-x =5

3. let the two consecutive positive integers be x and x+1 where x+1 is the larger number
product of 2 consecutive positve integer=(x+1)x
=x^2 +x
sum of 2 consecutive positve integer = x+1+x

71= x^2 +x +2x +1
0=x^2 +3x -70
x=7 or x=-10
therefore x=7 because x must be a positive integer

我想問係10x^2 +4x +1 定係+4+1 ?
參考: 自己

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