Difference between substance and element

2008-10-11 9:22 pm
are there any differences bewtween "substance" and "element"?

e.g. Is "a substance with low density" the same meaning with "an element with same density" ......???????

please don't just copy the meaning of the two words for me!
please label out the differences! THX!!

回答 (2)

2008-10-11 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
element 是元素,最簡 單一元素。 暫時發現有112種。但 element這不等於compound, mixture呢~ 因為compound, mixture是「多個一種」的物質組成。 如 水, H2o 是由 元素H 和 元素O 組成。水是 substance但不是element !!


但在這個問題上,substance 可以是 compound(H20), mixture(air),
也可以是element。只要是 存在的東西,都可以為substance。
2008-10-11 10:14 pm

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