✔ 最佳答案
我寫 email 和 resume (履歷表) 給僱主,都不會再寫那間公司的名稱的。因為你寫 email 的「收件人」的欄位時已寫上那僱主的名字 或 那間公司的部門(例如:陳先生 或 Personnel Manager 或 Personnel Department <
[email protected]> )。你只需要寫好「收件人」及「主題」的欄位(例如:申請職位:文員 / Application for Clerk) 就可以了。
我寫email 內文是這樣,你有興趣的話可看看作為參考:
To Whom It May Concern:
I am interested in applying for Clerk (文員), which was advertised on the Labour Department on Wednesday, August 13, 2008. My resume is attached for your review. I am confident that my experience and qualifications meet your requirements for this position. I look forward to hearing from you to discuss this opportunity in more detail.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
跟住附上你的resume (履歷表),然後你再 double check 無問題便可按「傳送」寄給僱主了。希望這些資料可幫到你呀!