建築師指令(Architect Instruction)

2008-10-11 6:43 pm
我唔係好明點解建築師指令(A.I.)唔可以即刻發出, 而要等到一段時間, 甚至工程完成後才發出?

就住後加/改動工程, 有時我見到承商會比報價個建築師, 有時又會無, 咁點先會有報價呢? 如果無報價,咁點預算個價錢呢? 就算係個QS估價, 咁如果承商做完之後開天殺價咁點呀? 又或者後來實際個價真係比原先估個數大好多,咁點呢?


回答 (2)

2008-10-20 7:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your suggestion is only an ideal case and I think it seldom happens in reality.
Normally, time is a critical factor for construction works. If there is a variation, and we wait for contractor's quotation, and seek agreement and then Architect issues A.I., then this will avoid many arguments but in fact this will take a considerable period of time. If the project is held up due to this reason, it may come up with other consequences, e.g. delay in completion, deduction of LD, etc. Usually to avoid delay, contractors will do the work first and may also try to settle the variation at the same time.
For a normal contract, there should be contracual terms in guiding the valuation of variaiton, and usually assessed by a 3rd party (QS) to avoid any party demanding unreasonable price (either over or under estimate of the works) Whether with / without quotation is not a big problem since it will be faily assessed by QS. If both parties cannot reach an agreement, it may bring to arbitration / mediation for settlement.
Also, in usual practice, architect will be quite conservative in issuing instructions and they would rather issue instruction retrospectively. May be they do not want to make mistake so that until everything is clear or works have been done.
2008-11-29 4:55 pm
字數太少. 打哂post唔到-_-算...

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