請教我grammer 急急急!

2008-10-11 6:37 pm
我唔識點用present continuous 和 simple present tense 來講關於將來會做或會發生的事,可否詳細解釋比我知。


Peter: What are you doing (do) this weekend,Alex?
Alex: I _________________ (go) to Macau on Saturday with my brother Ben.
Peter: _______________________ (go) in the morning or in the afternoon?
Alex: I _____________________(have) a tennis lesson at ten o'clock so I___________________ (get) a ferry after that.

Peter: What time __________________ (leave)?
Alex: At one o'clock.It ________________ (arrive) in Macau at about two.
Peter: Where_______________________ (stay)?
Alex: I don't know yet. Ben _____________ (book) a hotel later today.

回答 (3)

2008-10-11 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Peter: What are you doing (do) this weekend,Alex?
Alex: I am going (go) to Macau on Saturday with my brother Ben.
Peter: Are you go (go) in the morning or in the afternoon?
Alex: I have (have) a tennis lesson at ten o'clock so I am getting(get) a ferry after that.

Peter: What time do you leave (leave)?
Alex: At one o'clock.It arrives(arrive) in Macau at about two.
Peter: Where do you stay (stay)?
Alex: I don't know yet. Ben is going to book (book) a hotel later today.

其實is going to 唔係淨係現在進行式,可以解作將來式。
參考: me
2008-10-11 6:46 pm
Peter: What are you doing (do) this weekend,Alex?
Alex: I am going (go) to Macau on Saturday with my brother Ben.
Peter: Will you go (go) in the morning or in the afternoon?
Alex: I am having (have) a tennis lesson at ten o'clock so I will get (get) a ferry after that.

Peter: What time are you leaving (leave)?
Alex: At one o'clock.It arrives (arrive) in Macau at about two.
Peter: Where will you stay (stay)?
Alex: I don't know yet. Ben will book (book) a hotel later today.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-10-11 6:40 pm
自己的事自己做 唔好係到叫人教你功課 唔係你一世都學唔識

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