中轉英 (改約會時間)

2008-10-11 5:56 pm
原本約左佢地 星期一上我地公司

We have an appointment with you on monday.
But my boss was busy.Please kindly make a new appointment.
If you have any query, please feel free to contact me.

回答 (5)

2008-10-11 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Due to unforeseen circumstances, our manager will not be able to attend the appointment to meet you at our office next Monday.
May I request that the appointment be rescheduled to __(another day)___at the same time and place?
Please favour us your early reply with regard to the new appointment date.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Yours sincerely,

2008-11-19 12:11 pm
為甚麼由答者 001至 003 連第一句也釋不成呢!他們的英文真是這般差勁的嗎!?

To the bloke who loves using the wonderful line above,

you really like to criticize people huh? .

2008-11-19 04:11:26 補充:
Perhaps you think your English is so cool or something.

Sad to say, you don't even know we should not begin a sentence with " BUT".
Sigh big time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-10-11 7:34 pm
Your appointment with my boss XXX, has been scheduled on Monday in our office. However, my boss can't be available due to some personal affairs. Would you please refix the appointment convenient to both?
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at phone number XXXX XXXX or via email address XXXX XXXX.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Best regards,

2008-10-11 11:49:50 補充:
Please kindly make a new appointment with us - 完全係中文直譯英文大法

We have an appointment with you on monday - 個appointment 只係同你老板, 用 we 唔係咁正確!

But my boss was busy - 又係中文直譯英文方法(用 was 錯上加錯, 都未到日子, 點會過去式 ?) 而且明明約咗人話自己busy所以要改, 通唔通呀? 如因咁些個人理由(當然係比約會更重要的), 還可接受!
2008-10-11 6:24 pm
We (will) have an appointment with you on (What Monday? Next Monday, this Monday) Monday.
But my boss (is busy(Because your boss is not avaliable at this moment, not before)). Please kindly make a new appointment.
If you have any query, please feel free to contact me.
2008-10-11 6:15 pm
You can write like this:

We had an appointment with you on (next Monday?).
But my boss will be busy at that time, so your appoitment must be cancelled.
Please kindly make a new appointment with us.
If you have any query, please feel free to contact me during office hours.

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