Bourbon kicking in ??

2008-10-11 8:30 am
我玩yahoo桌球時,對手忽然彈出一句 "Bourbon kicking in" 呢句係咩意思? 我就問佢 what's that mean? 佢就寫 "drinking jim beam and coke" 我都係唔明。呢兩句係點解啊?多謝回答

回答 (1)

2008-10-11 9:12 am
✔ 最佳答案

Bourbon is a kind of American whiskey( wine). This type of alcohol is sort of strong.

The guy ( I believe he is American) was drinking some wine and coca cola together and he was feeling drunk.

"To kick in" here means * the alcohol is affecting his brain.

In a word, He was playing drunk Yahoo Pool with you. lol


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