
2008-10-11 8:19 am

本公司委託 貴公司於8月份運送的一批零件,因為貴 公司在運送零件期間出了意外,導至此批零件不見了。現請 貴公司簽名作實,證明此批零件是在 貴公司運送期間不見,並不是本公司責任。


回答 (2)

2008-10-11 8:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
In August 2008, we've appointed your company for the transportation service of a batch of devices / parts, however, the said goods have been reported lost due to the mis-handling by your side. In this connection, please sign on this document to confirm that the responsibility should be solely undertaken by your side.
參考: hope this help
2008-10-12 5:40 am
Our company had sent you a batch of spare parts in August. However, these goods were lost during delivery in an accident. We hereby request your company to confirm the same by signing the enclosed declaration that it is your sole responsibility for such loss and not our own fault

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