唔明個答案..(melting point)

2008-10-11 8:17 am

點解個答案係要睇個intermolecular forces? 佢係molecules同molecules之間的attrection,但點解又關佢事?

點樣先知道要去睇covalent bond定個intermolecular force?,
可否俾d example?


回答 (3)

2008-10-11 8:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
你個網址刪除左 不過我大概明白你講咩

首先, 你會知道 當non-metal同non-metal form 一個bonding
分別係giant covalent structure 同埋simple molecular structure
2樣有咩唔同? 睇住
giant covalent structure have a strong covalent bond between atoms
simple molecular structure have a weak van der Waals forces between molecules
咁weak van der Waals force就係intermolecular force
你要記住 o係simple molecular structure 每一粒molecule都係好勁
但係因為中間有個weak van der Waals force o係度 令到佢melting point好低

咁點先可以分別到covalent 同埋simple molecular 呢
有個好好既方法 就係除左[diamond, graphite]2個都係carbon黎
同埋quartz (silicon dioxide) 其他9成99都係simple molecular structure
以考會考既程度 知道e 3樣野係covalent bond就好足夠喇
參考: 自己 如果咁都唔揀我真係心灰喇
2008-10-11 8:30 am
intermolecular forces就係molecules之間嘅力,而covalent bond係一粒molecule入面,原子之間嘅力。
如果係物理上嘅轉變,譬如固體變液體,咁就係睇IMF,但係如果係化學上嘅轉變,例如要將HCl變成氫氣同氯氣,咁就要睇covalent bond,因為將HCl變成氫同氯係會break咗個covalent bond。
2008-10-11 8:30 am
Melting means to break down the attraction between molecules (but not to break down the single molecule into atoms or ions), therefore only the inter-molecular force is concerned in this case.

However, if the atoms are only held together by covalent bond (such as the carbon atoms in a diamond structure) without any inter-molecular attractions, melting requires breaking such string covalent bonds and hence diamond has a very high melting bond.

Get it ?

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