十萬火急急急 ar !!!!! 寫信給大學學院 ” 院長 ” 台頭用 english 應該點寫呀 !!! help !

2008-10-11 6:56 am
寫一封道歉信俾院長 , 但台頭唔識寫 , 應該用 Dear 什麼 ????

回答 (3)

2008-10-11 8:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
You have to find out his exact title and use it in your letter.
It is not appropriate to call him sir or Mr. xxx, etc.
Your must call him in his title because this letter is a formal letter, especially true in the political and academic fields.
If his is a 院長, you should say :
Dear Mr. Dean of ??? Faculty,
I am sorry to be that serious but you cannot make such mistake in this kind of letter. We always address people with his title like below :
Dear Mr. President
Dear Mr. Principal
Dear Master of College
參考: Myself
2008-10-11 7:32 am
Dear Mr. Chan,(女性就用-->Ms. Chan)

Dear Sir/Madam,
參考: myself
2008-10-11 7:05 am
你寫得比校長都應該係讀過下書架喇WOW= =

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