好混亂,請師兄教下我~ LAW

2008-10-11 3:41 am
A made a contract with B selling her his antique vase for $25,000.
when he delivered the vase to B,
he told her that he would accept $20,000as he had moved to a small apartment
and no longer had the necessary space for the vase.
B gave A $20,000 and her stamp collection valued at $100in exchange for the promise.
two weeks later,A changed his mind and requested B to pay him the outstanding balance for $5,000.

advise A of his legal position

1.B gave A $20,000 and her stamp collection valued at $100 in exchange for the promise.
我只知如果B唔比果$100 ga話A就可以攞番果$5,000 但宜家B比左$100A 咁姐係點?
(圍繞課題:Types of contracts,Formation of a contract及Acceptance)

回答 (1)

2008-10-11 7:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不對,A跟B原來的OFFER($25,000.00) 己經比B的 COUNTER-OFFER($20,000.00)代替:Counter-Offer kills the original offer,那面值$100的郵票集只是Offer的一部分,A己經收了B的東西,已經有Offer & Acceptance,這裡己經有Contart,A甚至己有Consideration,她收了那$20,000.00及那面值$100的郵票集是應該給B那個古董花瓶的。最後A反悔,A是無法索回那$5,000.00的,原因是原本A的Offer己由Counter-Offer代替,A因此不能反悔。
你也要想想silent可唔可以當acceptance?因為A沒有對B說任何接受的說話。行動可不可以制造Contract?A不接受B的Offer是可以不賣的,A用行動接受了B的Offer,加上那本郵集,會不會使那Offer更實在?那本郵集會不會更使人覺得A有接受Offer及Accept Offer?
參考: 個人意見

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