以下英文 我實在無法翻的很好..
偏偏 報告是 要求必須 『翻成如同白話中文一樣』
這篇主要是 在講 『腳跟與鞋子的研究文章』
---- 請會的大大 幫我 翻譯 一下!!
(1)請盡量用 "說話中文一般" 的來翻譯,因為報告的要求..
---- 拜託!真的需要 如此!
【在此先謝謝 ^ ^】
Their plantar pressure distribution was recorded using
the Tekscan ‘F-Scan’ system—a flexible, 0.18mm thick, plastic
sole-shape having 960 pressure sensors with spatial resolution of 5 mm.
The resistance of pressuresensitive ink, contained between two
polymer-film substrates, decreases as the pressure, applied normal to
the substrate, increases. Ahroni et al. (1998) and Mueller and Strube (1996)
reviewed studies on F-scan sensors; some researchers reported good
reliabilityand reproducibility,while others reported a decrease of sensor
output with time at fixed pressure. Woodburn and Helliwell (1996)
concluded that they were not suitable for accurate, repeatable
measurements. However, peak pressure measurements in this paper were
similar to those reported previously, allowing for differences in running
speeds (Gross and Bunch, 1989).