今天我司收到貴租戶之退單位通知。但根據雙方租約協議需於一個月前提出書面通知,故貴租戶之退租期應是8-11-2008。這兩個月(9-9-2008 至 8-10-2008 及 9-10-2008 至 8-11-2008)之租金及什費(HK$ 5,000)用按金扣除。另電費按金HK$500我司扣除8-11月份之電費後全數退回。另貴租戶請寫回退租書給我們作實(樣板請看附件),然後電郵或傳真我司。謝謝!
Today we received the email about the termination of lease contract. According to the lease agreement, the tenant will send the termination letter in one-month notice.
About the two-month deposit of HK$ 5,000 deducts 9-9-2008 to 8-10-2008 & 9-10-2008 to 8-11-2008 of rental and sundry. In addition, the electricity deposit of HK500 deducts August to November electricity after the balance will return with you.
Furthermore, the tenant will send the termination letter. (sample see the attachment) Please sent the email or fax for us. Thank you!