改grammer (不要用網上翻譯字典)

2008-10-10 6:55 pm
明天我不在office,你是開門給我們定留下鎖匙給我們? 如果你是留下鎖匙,你可以留下,但我們下星期一才會上去看。如你是開門給我們,可否安排下星期一? 不便之處,敬請原諒。

Tommorronw I am not in the office. Are you open the office or leave the key for us? If you leave the key, you can. We will go to the office next Monday.
Besides, if you open the office for check the leakage situation. Could you mind change the appointment next Monday?
Sorry for inconvenient.

回答 (3)

2008-10-10 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案

你好, 少少意見:

「 Tomorrow I will not be in the office. Are you going to open the office door or just leave the key for us? If you leave the key, we will go to the office on next Monday. On the other hand, if you open the office door for us to check the leakage situation, please change the appointment to next Monday. Wait for your further confirmation. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you.. 」

2008-10-11 2:44 am
I will not be available in the office tomorrow. Are you going to leave the the door open for us, or leave the keys behind? If you do leave the keys behind, you may do so but we can only go up to check on the leak by next Monday. If you want to open the door for us, can you make it on next Monday?

Sorry for the inconvenience.
2008-10-10 6:59 pm
明天我不在office,你是開門給我們定留下鎖匙給我們? 如果你是留下鎖匙,你可以留下,但我們下星期一才會上去看。如你是開門給我們,可否安排下星期一? 不便之處,敬請原諒。

I will not in office tomorrow. Will you open the door for us or you want leave the keys to us?
If you leave the keys to us, just leave it, we will have a look on next Monday.
If you open the door for us, can you come on next Monday?
Sorry for inconvenice causes.

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