
2008-10-10 8:32 am



回答 (6)

2008-10-10 8:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry, I cannot share with you for your birthday this year and next….sorry !
But I promise, I will surely share your other birthdays with you…when you return to Hong Kong !!!
May be you will feel lonely this birthday,
but don’t be upset !
When you look at this birthday card,
you will know that I am still by your side !
Although I am not sure when will the birthday song in the card will stop when the battery run out,
I still hope that you would enjoy it !
Never think that after you leave for England,
no one will think about you,
coz day by day, I will miss you…so much !
I still love you, may be more than ever…..
參考: Myself
2008-10-10 7:35 pm

I am feeling terribly sorry about not being able to celebrate your birthday this and next year.My heart aches about that.Hereby I swear and promise you
that once you are back to Hong Kong, I will definitely spend that great day of yours with you.Perhaps you would feel lonesome on that day this year, but don't you worry about it because when you see this card,just picture I am there by your side .Also I hope you will like it , but I have no clue when the battery in it will run out.

Don't you think noone will miss you when you are in the UK!
I will surely be missing you so much every single day and I still love you a great deal forever and ever.

Good luck!

I really hope that you will make her smile more.

What a sweet love letter to me !
By the way, does she browse around Yahoo HK too?lol
Try not to let her know that someone wrote this for you.
Just kidding!
2008-10-10 7:04 pm
akit's answer is the best so far...
others' answers have very fatal mistakes in style...
Remember it's a love letter!!

Anyways, here is my version:

Babe, I am so sorry. It seems like I will not be able to celebrate your birthdays this and next year. But I promise, when you are back in HK, I will be there with on your every big day.
Maybe you'll be a little lonely this birthday. Don't worry -- whenever you read my lines in this card, I am right there by your side. So, be happy!
I don't know when the battery will go off, but my love for you is everlasting. (And I hope you like this card!)
Don't you feel lonely, babe, coz you know there's a man in HK missing you every day and night.

Lots of love,

PS I love you. (If this letter is for going back together with her, say "I still love you like I always do.")

2008-10-11 22:11:00 補充:

IMHO, I wrote "I have no idea when the battery will go off..."
Using "how" would have been a fatal mistake. LOL

I have a typo up there. It should be "I will be there with you on your every big day."

2008-10-13 10:18:15 補充:
well, yes, we say running out normally for batteries. Using "go out" does not connotate the meaning of "a bomb exploding" in the context. I used it for its figurative meaning of dying, in part an analogy with their love not dying becoz of separation.

2008-10-13 10:24:15 補充:
and of coz pting out mistakes is certainly not wrong. but plz stop putting "mr tutor" at the end of your statements as it looks like sarcasm to me. i am okay with that but it makes ppl think that u are pushin ppl to argue with u or sth.

2008-10-13 14:27:30 補充:
well, to me it's pretty simple to just say "I don't agree with what you've written".
and okay! i typed it wrong it should be "go off" and it has been it, "go off"
typed "go out", my bad. Right!

2008-10-13 14:29:50 補充:
and you see, u copied and paste my stuff just to show that you are standard in saying "run out" and u say you are not here to argue. I have heard native speakers say "go off" when batteries "run out". but it's okay maybe sth was wrong with my hearing

2008-10-13 14:33:45 補充:
and i did admit i made a typo a few posts before. when there's a mistake i am more than happy to admit. anyways, just drop it. I think what we both want to do is to let ppl tell wheat from barn.
參考: I am an English tutor. And this is only how I would write this if I were you. You can always change the wordings and style -- it's your love letter after all.
2008-10-10 9:15 am
I'm sorry that I may not be there to celebrate your birthday for 2 years. I promise, I will celebrate with you when you return to Hong Kong.

Perhaps you will have a lonely birthday. I hope you like this card and feel that I'm with you whenever you see it, and the battery will last till I see you next.

[不過希望你喜歡啊 (I hope you like it anyway) <---- i actually suggest you not to write this line, sounds sad, you are wishing him a happy birthday, no need to make it too emotional, anyway, you decide]

Never think that no one miss you. Since you left for England, I have been missing you everyday and night.

[我還很愛你...(I still love you) <--- Did you say that you don’t love him before? It sounds like he did something wrong and he thinks you don’t love him anymore... otherwise just say "I love you". ]

I love you! As I always do.

2008-10-10 01:20:19 補充:
雖然不知道生日卡那首生日歌何時才會沒電 <--- i changed this line a bit too, to be a bit more positive.

2008-10-10 01:36:51 補充:
forgot to say, i was writing it with LESS decorative words, i believe, with your relationship with this person, you dont need to make it too dramatic, hope it helps and good luck! long distance relationship is not easy!
參考: myself
2008-10-10 9:05 am

I am feeling terribly sorry about not being able to celebrate your birthday this and next year.My heart aches about that.Hereby I swear and promise you
that once you are back to Hong Kong, I will definitely spend that great day of yours with you.Perhaps you would feel lonesome on that day this year, but don't you worry about it because when you see this card,just picture I am there by your side .Also I hope you will like it , but I have no clue when the battery in it will run out.

Don't you think noone will miss you when you are in the UK!
I will surely be missing you so much every single day and I still love you a great deal forever and ever.

Good luck!

I really hope that you will make her smile more.

What a sweet love letter to me !
By the way, does she browse around Yahoo HK too?lol
Try not to let her know that someone wrote this for you.
Just kidding!


2008-10-10 01:14:11 補充:
no one <-------- Should be written this way.
I am sorry about having made this mistake.
Do pay attention to it, buddy!

2008-10-11 00:51:03 補充:
To the fellow who claimed to be an English tutor

I have no idea how batteries go off.<---------- ( You wrote this and I suppose this is what you
called " a fatal mistake".


2008-10-11 23:41:18 補充:
You do not get it, Mr tutor.
Batteries will never go off, only bombs will. We say" batteries will RUN OUT in English.

Please look up" go off" and tell yourself what it means.

2008-10-11 23:49:35 補充:
I forgot to say to you that I did not come here to argue with anyone, Mr tutor.
All I am saying is that we all make mistakes and we are all here trying to help those who are confused with the English language.

Whenever I spot some mistakes , I do not think it is wrong to point them all out.


2008-10-13 12:59:00 補充:
Talking about making mistakes.
Please look at what you wrote again, GARY.

I don't know when the battery will go off, but my love for you is everlasting. (And I hope you like this card!)

2008-10-13 12:59:35 補充:
IMHO, I wrote "I have no idea when the battery will go off..."
Using "how" would have been a fatal mistake. LOL

2008-10-13 12:59:53 補充:
Using "go out" does not connotate the meaning of "a bomb exploding" in the context. I used it for its figurative meaning of dying, in part an analogy with their love not dying becoz of separation.

2008-10-13 13:01:28 補充:
You wrote " go off" twice and then you wrote " go out".
Hmmmmmmmm.... You have really made me speechless.

The case is closed. You just do not want to admit your own mistakes.
Bye bye

2008-10-13 13:09:39 補充:
I used it for its figurative meaning of dying<--------This is what you wrote as well!

" GO OUT" or " GO OFF" = dying?????????????? Sigh!!!!
參考: I spent 20 years in the UK and 10 years in the states.
2008-10-10 8:45 am
It is heartbreaking to say that I cannot celebrate your birthday together with you this year and next year ... Sorry

But I promise that, when you are back to Hong Kong, I celebrate your birthday with you every year...

It will be a lonely birthday for you this year ... but don't be unhappy, when you look at this birthday card, you will feel my full presence, although I don't know when the battery for the birthday music broadcast will run out ...

Anyway, hope that you are delighted with this little birthday card.

Don't think that no one is missing you in Hong Kong
I will remember you every single day you are in UK

And ... I am still very much in love with you ....

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