中文意思: Don't spare my feeling

2008-10-10 8:24 am
如題:Don't spare my feeling 點解??


回答 (2)

2008-10-18 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
don't spare my feelings 意思係你唔想其他人為左顧及你 geh 感受而吞吞吐吐, 唔直接講真話或有所行動

例如 (當你係女仔)
你個 friend 見到你男朋友係條街拖住另一個女仔
佢吞吞吐吐感同你講話見到你男朋友做一 D 唔好 geh 事, 但又怕 hurt 你唔夠膽直接講,
你就可以同佢講, don't spare my feelings, just tell me the truth (你唔使顧及我 geh 感受架, 直接講實話啦)

參考: 自己
2008-10-10 8:35 am

It should be " Don't spare my feelingS!". To talk about one's emotions, you have to use " feeling" as a countable noun here.

It means someone is good to you and he or she wants you to try to appreciate
her feelings for you, do not just ignore her and the things she's done and is doing for you.


2008-10-10 01:18:44 補充:
It means someone is good to you and he or she wants you to try to appreciate
his/her feelings for you, do not just ignore him/her and the things he's or she's done and is doing for you.

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