Poor republicains Obama 52% McSenile 41% how do you feel about that?

2008-10-10 6:24 am

Sandy if you are what you say you are then its your own fualt for voting the way you have for 30 years. I have worked in a group home for troubled teens 12 years in that 8 of those years I've seen our budget cut repeatedly. I know how the republicans feel about the poor. They see them as a burden not a brother.

回答 (25)

2008-10-10 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
McSenile!!!!!!! LMAO I watch the gallup polls every morning. It is the first thing I look at to brighten my day!
2008-10-10 1:27 pm
I appreciate your sympathy, however childlike it is, but I'm quite happy. Your poll will be worthless soon.
2008-10-10 1:27 pm
Obama/Biden 08 "Yes we can"
2008-10-10 1:30 pm
Im a democrat and I feel gooooood about it :)
2008-10-10 1:29 pm
I feel like there's still a problem in America.
McCain actually has 41%?!?!? Obama only 52%?

WTF is wrong with you people? 8 years of f**k ups weren't enough, maybe 4 more would be a bit more convincing?
2008-10-10 1:27 pm
obama 4 life baby
2008-10-10 1:28 pm
Ask John Kerry and Al Gore how reliable poll results are.
2008-10-10 1:27 pm
There's a gap of 11%?? HOOLEY DOOLEY!! Wooooohoooooooooooo
2008-10-10 1:38 pm
The "poor" republicans can take a long walk off a short pier as far as I am concerned.
I hope McCain drops even more in the polls to send a message, no more right wing fanatics need apply for the job,
Thanks but NO THANKS.
2008-10-10 1:36 pm
very good
參考: nk-self
2008-10-10 1:34 pm
The same way I have the past 3 elections according to the gallup were Gore or Kerry in the white house no and I doubt the gallup is right about Obama.
2008-10-10 1:30 pm
They're wetting their pants
2008-10-10 1:26 pm
We have four years to catch up!
參考: I'm just joking, i've already voted for Obama.
2008-10-10 1:28 pm
Justice is finally served :)
2008-10-10 1:27 pm
my fellow americans, please put the kool aid down
2008-10-10 1:31 pm
Gallup is a joke! Zogby has the most reliable statistics and they read Obama 47.1% and McCain 45.2% with 7.7% undecided. Besides I know that those stats are about to change dramatically after watching the first video on this page: http://realdemocratsusa.blogspot.com/

The third video is a killer too. It seems the head of the Los Angeles chapter of NOW is strongly supportive of Sarah Palin and can't say enough good things about her! NOW headquarters must be busy trying to figure this one out.

2008-10-10 1:29 pm
Bottom line economics, jobs, home foreclosures and 401Ks are more important than race baiting tactics. McCain should talk solutions and change his sidekicks message from rallying hatred by the mob-mentality types.
2008-10-10 1:28 pm
I feel good. I dont have to pay for nothin. Them tax payers pay for all my stuff cause I dont work no where. Dont want to. Let them taxpayers work, not me.
2008-10-10 1:28 pm
Probably like Truman felt when he "lost" to Dewey.
2008-10-10 1:35 pm
48 to 43 says Zogby
參考: www.zogby.com
2008-10-10 1:29 pm
Good question, I really care for Mccain but I am a democrat, he has an amazing story but I can't believe what I see from his supporters in the media it's crazy... I just wish he could go back to the old Mccain where he was talking more about his experience and not paying so much attention to Obama.
2008-10-10 1:48 pm
I don't feel exceptionally comfortable with either candidate, but I think Obama is a way better candidate than McCain. McCain doesn't even know what he wants to do next. It seems that every day he's trying something different and nothing he does seems to work.

On the bright side, I think it could be a wonderful time for a black man to be taking over the white house. He has the chance to make a lot of wonderful changes in Washington, and I believe that he will do the very best he can because he wants to show that African Americans are every bit as competent as whites.

I feel a bit sorry for him though because it will be very easy for him to fail. Thanks to G.W. he is inheriting an office filled to the brim with problems. How would YOU like to be in his shoes? Think about it:

1) The economy...huge huge problem
2) Iran....another headache
3) Pakistan/Afghanistan..another headache
4) Russia...yet another headache
5) Iraq...can he get out out of there successfully?
6) Homeland security
7) Immigration
8) Health care-another make or break issue
9) Taxes...I hope his plan works
10) Debt...G.W. had it made. Clinton left him with a surplus. Look what he's leaving (hopefully) Barack with!
11) Energy...another biggie! I think Obama has the right approach. He's in favor of drilling, but combined with alternate sources to get our independence from foreign oil

Bottom line. Obama has been the most presidential in this contest. He's extremely intelligent and has an equally intelligent wife. They are both very socially gracious whereas McCain comes across as angry and stiff. All he does is call people "My friends" and stick his thumbs up all the time. My father taught me to always be wary of someone you don't know calling you his friend.
Based on all the information above, I'd have to say Obama by a long shot. Oh, and please...don't even think about mentioning all that goofy, idiotic dribble about him being a muslim or associating with terrorists. This is nothing more than a ploy by a losing candidate trying to trip up and deceive the american public. How can you trust someone who's motto is "America First" yet picks an absolute unknown that he didn't even vet for his veep. I don't think he had America's best interest in mind with that pick. He won't even let her interview with anyone. And his straight talk express is lifeless as well. One day he's saying the economy is fundamentally strong and the next he's cancelling debates because his presence is so desperately needed in Washington. I'm sorry but as much as I might respect his service in the military, McCain is no Eisenhower.
2008-10-10 1:35 pm
RCP is 5.6% total, but yes I do see that Obama is in the lead in the polls.
That's the realclearpolitics average in case you don't know.
2008-10-10 1:26 pm
How else?
2008-10-10 3:17 pm
I feel just fine. NOT! Both candidates aren't worth the powder to blow their rears to a really hot place. All I hear from both camps is nasty, idiotic rantings, and for what? The dubious honor of showing the world that you support a candidate that slings more mud than a monster truck rally? I'm getting really tired of all this wasted energy here. Doesn't anyone have a zit problem they need help with? Dog have fleas? Need a different recipe for chicken? Aren't you all just a little bit tired of words like Obamabot and McSame? Really childish at best. Now I know I'm probably dealing with a few from the junior high set, but a lot of you are adults. Really. Some example for our kids to follow, shouting insults back & forth. Yeah, go ahead...make my day...give me a thumbs down. There ya go...feel better? Now go volunteer in your community and start giving something back that doesn't include the words "kool aide drinkers" "Demo-rants" or "Republi-can'ts". Leave the name calling for 3rd graders. There are real people out there with real problems. Good thing many of them can't afford a computer, not seeing such brilliant postings. Once you've worked alongside of someone less fortunate than you are, you can start to understand that words can build up or tear down. There needs to be more building up. And if there be any tearing down, let it be tearing down the barriers that we've erected in our lives. One last thing...For the last 30 plus years, I've voted Republican. So, I guess I'm one of those "poor Republicans" you mentioned. I'm disabled, living on disability, so that makes me really poor. But I don't feel that way, 'cause I live within my own means. My husband is a disabled vet, also on disability. He served his country in Viet Nam, leaving a part of him behind. We don't want sympathy, just want to live our lives in peace. I really don't understand how your question is helping here. How would any answer fully address your question? You wanna know how I feel? Well here it is, all in black & white. I feel that each election is worse than the last, dividing a nation instead of uniting it. And there's no reason for it at all. It's just so sad. <*)))><

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