what is the easiest password to remember?

2008-10-10 2:45 am
i think it's popcorn.

回答 (30)

2008-10-10 2:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-10-10 11:18 pm
dont think of something to easy. like password cause everyone with guess that when hacking into someones account or w.e. so use something like 777773. a combo of the same numbers and then one different one at the end. so say like you your fav. number is the number your useing and then the last one is the one you dont like.

This also works out with letters too.


but my friends moms password to an account is littlebitch lol
thats easy to remember haha
2008-10-10 3:08 pm
I read somewhere that a "good" password that's easy to remember would be a combination of numbers (like a phone number) and characters (like someone's initials). I use this formula made up of my old phone number growing up and the initials of someone close to me.
2008-10-10 6:06 pm
I would say Password, OR 12345 because it is
really easy....popcorn is good too. Now ur making me hungry!! JK lol
2008-10-10 3:55 am
Easiest password is 12345, but the hardest password, that I don't know.
2008-10-10 2:50 am
your name
2008-10-10 2:49 am
my name
2008-10-10 2:48 am
2008-10-10 2:48 am
2008-10-10 4:37 am
"Password" is so easy to remember that some sites will not even permit you to use "password" as a password.

Gee. All that punctuation and Yahoo! didn't even mention it.

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