i think i'm depressed, i dont want to tell my gp incase he tells my employer, what else can i do?

2008-10-10 12:12 am
i think my gp will make me see a psychiatrist and therefore medical records will be made about me. I don't wnt to loose my job or tell my employer but if records are made about me they will find out. Are there any other options to get help without the risk of anyone finding out

回答 (17)

2008-10-10 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need to seek or find help to get better it just doesn't go away or if it does it can take for years. Go get some help, also if you do have depression or something else it is not anyones business so you don't have to tell your employer or anyone in your job. Because if you tell someone that you work with they might tell your employer so it is a better idea that no one knows.
Goos Luck
2008-10-10 7:23 am

I doubt your doctor would discuss with your employer your medical details - after all what about patient confidentiality. Also the medical records that are made will be held with the strictest confidence....

I'd advise you discuss your situation with your doctor - and also these concerns you have about confidentiality.

Best wishes :)
2008-10-11 5:39 am
Hi there
It is very common for people that are suffering depression to feel this level of anxiety. The truth is that doctors can not discuss your details with anyone. The only reason that your employer would contact your doctor is if you were off sick for a long time. They may ask you if they were able to contact your employer to see if your condition will stop you resuming your postion. They can only do this will your signed consent.
However, there are many other ways to get help when you are feeling depressed, which do not entail going through your doctor. You are able to see a counsellor on a private basis if you wish. Counsellors are also duty bound by their ethics which means everything is totally confidentual. In addition to this there are other holistic therapies, such as Accupuncture which has a proven track record for helping with depression and anxiety. Other therapies include reflexlogy etc. It could be that you are feeling anxiety and a qualified holistic therapist can help you with this. Please also note that it has been proven that a good exercise routine, ie just going for a long walk each day, as just a good effect as anti-depresants.

I wish you well, please try some of these alternatives if you can and hopefully it will help you.
參考: Personal knowledge
2008-10-11 12:39 am
What is said between yourself and your doctor is in the strictest confidence.Tell him or her your fears of your employers finding out and I am sure they will reassure you.Go get the help you need.Good Luck don't be frightened.
2008-10-10 8:42 pm
Your GP will not automatically refer you to a psychiatrist. The GP will try for a long time to treat you himself without outside help and will only refer you on if you are not making progress in many months time. You will not lose your job just because you have depression. The most important thing is that you get well so speak to your GP and make some progress.

The only records that will be made for now will be at the GP surgery.
2008-10-10 6:50 pm
Do you need treatment for your depression? If you do then you have no option but to see your GP.
If you are able to continue working whilst receiving treatment, then there is no need for your employer to know about your illness UNLESS your ability to do your job is affected by the medication you are taking. For example, some medications which have sedative effects may impair your ability to safely operate machinery. So you need to consider these issues. Many people work with depression and their employers don't know anything about it, but you must make sure that you receive the treatment you need. If you are functioning well enough to be working, then your depression may well be treated effectively with cognitive therapy without the need for medication.
參考: 20 yrs working in mental health
2008-10-10 6:14 pm
your gp will not tell anyone and you may not be referred to someone. I went to a counsellor first which was fine although it didn't do the trick. I then went on to see someone else and my work had no idea. You may feel better telling your employor though so don't rule it out. As long as it doesn't affect your job, it's private and will be treated that way.
2008-10-10 7:32 am
Tell your GP quickly. Your GP, and only your GP, can write you a note excusing you from work because of stress levels. These are legally binding notes and any employer must accept them and provide a guarantee that your job will be there when you recover and return.
This going on Medical Records will in no way affect your job status present or future. I should know my brother suffers from Schizophrenia and he hasn't lost his job.
2008-10-10 7:28 am
doctor/patient confidentiality, he can't tell your employer without your say so.
If its minor depression you could try st johns wart which you can get from any pharmacy and most supermarkets.
2008-10-10 7:22 am
for the normal line of work, your job has no need to know whats wrong with u unless it effects your job directly, but doctors can put you on some pretty good stuff to manage it. my wife is on zoloft ( i dont think its my fault lol ) and she is as normal as someone can be that is married to me LOL. you shouldnt need to see a shrink unless your problems are really really bad
2008-10-13 3:46 am
first, i dont think GP got the right to tell employer coz it is yor private and you could report he if he did such thing ,,,, and secondly i dunt think you employer could not allow to fied you just coz you are over some metal question... go and check the laws,,, should say it ,....and thirdly ,,, just go and see a psychiatrist...
2008-10-10 8:48 am
Having worked in the mental health field for 25 years I will tell you my experiences.

First all record are supposed to be confidential.

Second, I once worked for a hospital corporation that was self insured. I was promoted into corporate administration and I saw computer printouts in my hospital regarding what employees were seeing what doctors and their area of specialization. No notes on treatments but administration kept an eye on it. I was floored. Of course it was something that when I was a clinical employee, we generally assumed they knew who we saw.

If your company is a self insurer, the only way not to generate a paper trail is not to use company insurance and pay out of pocket for psychiatrist visits and medications. If they have an insurance plan that is one of the big plans then chances are no records are sent. That would be violation of law.
參考: 4 years in a sick company
2008-10-10 7:27 am
your GP and Psychiatrist (if it comes to that) have a code of ethics.

they are not allowed BY LAW to release any details about you to your employer... or anyone for that matter. There are only a couple reasons why they could give your information out, and thats only to appropriate authorities... none of which applies to you.

so your employer wont find out.

but, if your worried that you GP might tell someone, go see a GP who isnt affiliated with your employers company
2008-10-10 7:25 am
Of course, there are loads of charitable organisations there to help those that are depressed, just look up telephone numbers/helplines for depression.
Ur gp wont file a record against u, what u say to ur doc is kept confidential.
Unless of course it is extremely serious then for ur own health they would have to take it further.
Dont worry.
It is a sickness and I wish u all the best and hope u are feeling a bit better soon.
2008-10-10 7:23 am
Depression shouldn't be a reason to lose a job. And besides, your employer shouldn't even be able to find out, or have access to your medical records. Reiterate to your doctor that you'd like to keep your things as confidential as possible.
2008-10-10 7:22 am
jus try telling ur gp
2008-10-10 7:22 am
ask ur friends for advice or talk to a adult that isnt going to tell your employer someone that u can trust. hope that works check mine out


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