
2008-10-10 6:58 am

回答 (8)

2008-10-10 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
I met a lot of ex-classmates recently, it made me recall the sweet memory of our campus.

2008-10-25 22:10:21 補充:
2008-10-21 9:45 pm
......., it made me recall ..... fluency 方面不討論了, 但這句在 comma 之後, 不可能用 it made ...., 必須用 WHICH

2008-10-21 13:46:37 補充:
或將 comma 改為 full stop, 將 it 字 capitalize, 即分成兩句句子.
2008-10-10 6:43 pm
I met quite a number my ex-schoolmates recently, that made me recall the old days I had in the school campus.
參考: self
2008-10-10 10:09 am
Having met quite a number of my old school fellows recently brought me back some former yet worth-reminiscing kind of memories from my
ex campus.
2008-10-10 7:28 am
Running into a few colleagues made me recall those memorable days at school
2008-10-10 7:20 am
Recently, I met a few old schoolmates/friends. It made me recall my old days in the campus.
2008-10-10 7:10 am
During these days, I have met some classmates, it makes me remember the old days in school.
參考: myself...
2008-10-10 7:04 am
These days, I meet a few old classmates, they bring me memories of the old school days.

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