
2008-10-10 6:03 am
ps: 請最好5好用網上翻譯網^^

- 香港機場研建第三條跑道
- 政府用近百億發展東部口岸
- 立法會批撥款建西九文化區
- 大排檔
- 活化嘉咸街市集斥2億,市建局倡重置現有攤檔店舖
- 啟德公屋重建地基多花4億
- 沙中綫拍板 港府374億興建

(因爲系news paper headings 要改gramma~thx)

回答 (1)

2008-10-11 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
- 香港機場研建第三條跑道
- Hong Kong Airport research Building 3 runway

-The Government has spent nearly 10 billion development in the eastern port

- 立法會批撥款建西九文化區
-The Legislative Council allocation building of the West 9 Cultural District

-Big Stalls

-Activation Graham market set spent 200 million, the URA initiative replacement existing stall shop

-Kai Tak public housing redevelopment Foundation spend 400 million

-沙中綫拍板 港府374億興建
-Sha, Finalized. Hong Kong Government construction 37.4 billion
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 23:53:30
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