
2008-10-10 4:24 am

how to deal with lactose intolerance?



回答 (2)

2008-10-10 7:02 am
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How to deal with lactose intolerance?

食物過敏症的一種, 患者對奶製品有過敏的反應, 如作嘔或腹瀉的情況出現.


You Will Need

Lactase pills
Dairy alternatives
Calcium-enriched foods (optional)

Always consult a physician first before taking any over-the-counter substance or changing your diet in any way.

Step 1: Note your tolerance
Consider how tolerant you are to typical dairy products, like milk and cheese. Does heavy cream make you sick, but yogurt leave you feeling fine? Do you react differently to goat’s milk than to cow’s milk?

Step 2: Self-test other foods that contain dairy
Do a self-test on other foods that contain lactose, like a cream-based pasta sauce, or even dairy creamer in your morning coffee. Make a note of everything that makes you feel gassy or nauseous, or causes diarrhea.

Step 3: Get some lactase pills
Take lactase pills before consuming dairy. Lactase is the enzyme that helps you digest lactose, so people who are lactose intolerant don’t produce enough of this enzyme on their own. Though not a cure-all, it can lessen your symptoms.

Step 4: Get substitutes
Pick up some dairy substitutes. Look for soy-based milks and cheese, goat’s milk alternatives, and rice milk and rice cheeses.

Since milk typically is a primary source of calcium, pick out some other calcium-rich foods to pick up the slack: black and navy beans, fortified cereals and orange juice, salmon, sardines, almonds, collared greens and, of course, calcium pills.


2008-10-09 23:03:07 補充:
Step 5: Stick with your choices

Follow through with your choices. You might miss the taste of milk at first, but keep at it and you’ll soon love the alternatives just as much. And always bring lactase when you go out to eat, just in case you can’t avoid dairy in your meal.

2008-10-10 00:47:18 補充:

- 提醒患者要看醫生. 留意自己對不同食品的過敏反應有否不同, 將情況記錄下來作比對.

- 要服藥, 一種稱為lactase pills.

- 該如何提供相對的營養?

- 市面上有一些去乳糖的牛奶,是比較好的選擇,但是價錢比較貴。優點是保有牛奶的其他營養成分。如果不想買這些牛奶,就只好選擇豆漿、米漿等取代品。但是一定要補充鈣質、礦物質等。成長期的小孩,礦物質可以從蔬菜、水果中攝取。再補充鈣片,應該也足夠。

2008-10-10 00:48:38 補充:
2008-10-10 4:54 am

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