Physics question

2008-10-10 3:55 am
What is the lower fixed point and upper fixed point in Kelvin Scale?
Please give me if there is an equation.

tonykong2007, is it because a kelvin has the same size as a degree Celsius???


so you use 'F='C × 9⁄5 + 32?


manlyyip123123 ,我都知道K唔係=F(tonykong2007都冇話過K=F,你係唔係想話佢條公式錯左ar?),我係講緊比例(scale)喎!!! 我條問題係Kelvin Scale既lower同upper fixeed point 係咩喎。 仲有,你要教我 [LOWER FIXED POINT: -273K UPPER FIXED POINT: -173K of water ] 呢堆野點樣計出黎至得格!!!




Physics8801, how come the lower and upper fixed point of Kelvin Scaleare are 273 K and 373 K? Can you tell me the formula anf teach me how to calculate?



回答 (2)

2008-10-10 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Lower fixed point and upper fixed point are not characteristics of a temperature scale. They are only points that are chosen in the convenience of calibrating a thermometer.

As water is a most common substance that can be used all the time, thus its melting point and boiling point are chosen as two fixed points in drawing a thermometer calibration curve (remember that you need to have at least two points in order to draw a straight line graph).

You can ahere freely any temperature scale to the melting point and boiling point of water. In terms of the Celsius scale, they are 0 degree and 100 degrees respectively. In terms of the Fahrenheit scale, they are 32 degrees and 212 degrees respectivel. In terms of the Kelvin scale, they are 273 K and 373 K respectively.

You may, if you wish, use the melting point and boiling point of other substances as the two fixed points in calibrating a thermometer. But this is usually done in thermometers that are employed in measuring temperatures outside the range of our daily experiences, e.g. very low or very high temperatures encountered in industry or in scientific research.
2008-10-10 4:52 am
我可以同你講K唔係=F 上面既係錯
kelvin scale 係K
0C =273K

of water
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