
2008-10-10 2:34 am
"我覺得好唔抵"同"我鄧你唔抵" 英文點講, 唔該各位~

回答 (4)

2008-10-10 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
"我覺得好唔抵" - Dependent on the context, it could be translated as:
-I feel that is grossly unfair; or
-I feel strongly that I have been treated unfairly.

"我鄧你唔抵" - Again, dependent on the context, it could be translated as:
-I feel sorry for the unfair treatment you have received; or
-It grieves me to see you being treated so unfairly.
2008-10-11 2:17 am
I feel good Wu Di, "with" I Deng you Wudi
2008-10-10 3:32 am
"I feel don't fair."
參考: Myself
2008-10-10 2:36 am
You can find it out in the dictationary!
P.S. do it by yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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