
2008-10-09 7:14 pm

回答 (12)

2008-10-10 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
After a chat, it comes to my notice that she is in fact a girl.

2008-10-21 18:33:15 補充:
哇! 非常感謝知識長Ken 百忙中留下寶貴意見!

在"沒有仔細看各答案"的情況下, 仍能決定 003 及 008 都正確, 兼而察覺在下運用上"in fact"兩個字, 想必有"一目十行"本領, 勁!

佢係女仔, 係一個事實, 運用 in (actual) fact, 我諗唔明同actually 嘅分別响邊?


睇埋上述解釋仲迷糊, 可否賜教? Thanks!
2008-10-21 9:42 pm
in fact 及 actually 是有些分別的, 請大家使用前了解清楚才選擇用那一個較好.

沒有仔細看各答案, 但 003 及 008 都正確, is / was a girl 都可以接受. 因為她一向都是 a girl, 不必一定因為背景的時間是過去的事而一定要用 was. (但傳統的文法教科書可能仍堅持要這樣.)
2008-10-18 10:09 pm

I did not know she was a girl until I had talked with her.
2008-10-11 2:19 am
Dumping of dollars off the canal system of the Prophet girl
2008-10-10 4:02 am
Dips counts the prophet she is the girl
2008-10-10 3:13 am
Incline and leave and count prophets A woman son
參考: Dr.Eye
2008-10-10 1:55 am
When l talked to her l found that she is a girl.
2008-10-10 1:02 am
I only realize that she is a girl while I was chatting with her.
2008-10-09 11:17 pm
Found out that she is a girl, when I talk to her.
參考: ME
2008-10-09 8:06 pm
after i talk , i just know that she is a girl
2008-10-09 7:48 pm
I came to realize that she was girl when we had a conversation.

2008-10-13 07:56:53 補充:
oops...typo. It should be:
I came to realize that she was a girl when we had a conversation.
2008-10-09 7:47 pm
I did not know she was a girl until I had talked with her.

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