two Aptitude Screening Question

2008-10-09 1:13 pm
How many credit card holders are there in the U.S. and how much did you spend last year on their cards? (older figures are fine, as long as you name the source)

Two Indians are sitting on a log in the forest. The young one tells you that he is the son of the older one but the older one swears not being the father of the young one. Why?

回答 (1)

2008-10-09 4:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
How many credit card holders are there in the U.S. ?
- There's no centralized database for this figure. Besides, this figure changes every minute. It's like asking how many rocks are there on earth ? I don't think anyone has the correct answer.

How much did you spend last year on their cards?
- I didn't spend a single penny on their card. It's a felony to use somebody else's credit card.

Two Indians ...... ?
- The older one is the mother of the young one.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 20:35:59
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