what is 20% of $533.00?

2008-10-08 1:55 pm

回答 (17)

2008-10-08 1:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
0.20 X 533.00 = 106.6
2008-10-08 8:59 pm
Take 10 % then multiply by 2
2008-10-08 11:16 pm
$533 x 20%
= $533 x 20/100
= $533 x 1/5
= $533/5
= $106.6
2008-10-08 9:02 pm
100% $ 533
20% X=20% x 533 / 100%=$ 106.6
2008-10-08 9:01 pm
Just take $533.00 X 20% = 106.6
2008-10-08 9:01 pm
Anytime you have the word of in math it means to multiply. Move the decimal two places to the left. .20 x 533=
2008-10-08 9:00 pm
20% = 1/5, so just divide by 5 to get $106.60
2008-10-08 9:00 pm
533.00 x .2 = 106.6
2008-10-08 9:00 pm
10% is $53.3
so 20% is twice that amount
or $106.6
2008-10-08 8:59 pm
533 x .2 = 106.6

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