關於BIO同CHEM既問題 F.3的;]

2008-10-09 7:57 am
1. 我想問下邊隻ATOM既DIFFUS得最快? 點解
係唔係hydrogen?因為佢係the lightest所以move得快d跟住就diffusion rate increase?

2. chemical bond係咩a?中文講..唔係好明英文講咩

3. ionic bond 係force form between ions? 都唔明佢講咩
covalent bond 同 metallic bond 都係唔知同唔明係咩黎

4. A gas jar of air is put reversely on the top of a gas jar of brown nitrogen dioxide gas. These two gas jars are separated by a glass plate. What would happen eventually, if the glass plate is removed?. 咁樣個個gas jar 會點?點解

5. Atoms of the same element must have the same properties.
Atoms of the same element must have the same mass.

6.for example 如果我drop左一d 藍色既liquid係一杯水...咁果杯水轉左藍色,,咁政明係liquid重過水定輕過水?

咁我點知佢出左d咩黎? or 其實會唔會咁問? 會唔會考冇教過既野?

回答 (2)

2008-10-15 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
I cannot promise that my ans is right!!

1) maybe, i cannot promise, sorry

2) bond means the force between discrete molecule

3)ion = cation(+ve) + anion(-ve) => stable(octet)
loss ele. gain ele.
e.g. Sodium(2,8,1)[1-] + Chlorine(2,8,7) [1+]
exchange the [ ]
Na give one ele. to Cl
covalent = 2 non metal => stable(octet)
share ele.
e.g.Cabon dioxide
C(2,4) [4] + O(2,6) [2]
exchange the [ ]
C2O4 => CO2

4)the particle of no2(g) will move to every space in the jar due to diffusion
so the jar is fully with brown colour but lighter than before because the concentration is lower

5)Atoms of the same element must have the same properties.
properties due to the outermost shell ele.

6)totally wrong, in this case, the particle of the blue(l) move and get between the H2O particle, so it changes to blue colour.
If a liquid is lighter than H2O, there should be 2 layers, e.g. oil

7)in my own opinion, the teacher could state a result of an experiment that you may not know and ask you some questions.

P.S. i think your school is so good, the teacher taught so fast
my teacher taught so sloooooow dammit!
i learnt these things in this year too! (Im F4)
參考: Sino7
2008-10-09 9:14 am
1. 應該係

2.Chemical Bond = 化學鍵
化學鍵有幾種 , 有共價鍵 , 離子鍵 , 金屬鍵 , 氫鍵等等

3.ionic bond = 離子鍵
係離子之間強大既靜電吸引力 , 因為離子有陽離子同陰離子

4.會見到棕色既二氧化氮(nitrogrn dioxide)向上升
因為氣體係會擴散(diffusion) ,
係下層既nitrogen dioxide 既粒子會向 nitrogen dixoide濃度較低既地方擴散
所以慢慢成個gas jar就會變成棕色

5. Atoms of the same element must have the same properties.
因為最外層電子數目一樣 , 所以化學性質相近
而元素有同位素 , 例如碳 , 有C-12 , 有C-13
兩者既分別就係個碳原子既質子數目 , 電子數目相同
所以係同一元素 , 但係中子數目唔一樣 , 所以質量亦不一樣

6. 証明唔到 , 因為有diffusion(擴散作用) ,

7.係可能會出 , 因為係元素週期表入邊 , 屬同一族既元素 , 所產生既化學反應係相近
參考: Myself

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