pls correct this essay

2008-10-09 5:18 am
pls kindly be informed that our shipment need to delay dut to a typhoon hit China, it caused flooding, the water rised up to three feed everywhere, eletricity were suspend , it cause our factory stop to production , so we need to ask for one week extendtion of the order PO 12303 , pls kindly confirm if you are acceptable.

回答 (2)

2008-10-09 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please kindly be informed that your shipment needs to be postponed due to the typhoon attack in China(最好講埋係邊, 如DongGuan), it caused serious flooding up to 3 feet everywhere. The factory stopped its operation because of electric power suspension.
Kindly if you could extend the delivery period of PO12303 for one more week. If you have any query, please feel free to contact me.
2008-10-09 6:15 am
Please kindly be informed that our shipment needs to be delayed due to a typhoon in China. It has caused flooding and elsewhere is covered by water. Electricity has been cut off too. Therefore, our factory has to stop producing and we are now requesting a one-week extention of the order PO 12303. Please kindly confirm us if you accept it.
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