
2008-10-08 6:07 pm

回答 (10)

2008-10-08 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do you get it wrong?
I do not have the authority to do a monthly statement for you.
I am just responsible for making the shipping documents.

2008-10-15 14:35:14 補充:
月結 does not only mean 賒賬!!!
It has the meaning of settling an account OR summing up data for the account every month.
I worked as management in a public company for years and I have never heard of the saying that月結 only mean 賒賬!!!
參考: Myself
2008-10-16 10:43 pm
第一, 如果這個係跟客顧的對話, 我估我會譯得客氣一點, 我會唔用wrong字. 不如簡單問一句: Are you sure? 無必要直接話對方錯.

第二, 要批準的「月結」, 似乎係指「拖數」(暫時唔俾錢)的意思, 但沒有上文下理, 大家只能估計. 這纯屬是我個人想法, 但並不表示跟我的講法相反或者有別的意見就是錯的! 纯粹交流.

2008-10-16 15:01:58 補充:
其實, 無兩個人的意見會是完全一樣的(就算親如兄弟姊妺或者家人亦唔例外), 甚至「現在的我」跟「從前的我」思想上亦有差別 (因為人會改變的), 這是正常的事. 亦正因為這樣的情況先有交流的空間, 讓我地去尋求知識的真理.

既然不同階段的「自己」都可以不一樣, 又何況係兩個呢!
2008-10-15 9:29 pm
My translation:

I'm afraid you've got it wrong. As I'm only responsible for shipping documents, I have no right to give (issue) you a monthly statement.

由於發問者沒有說明或澄清, 所以很難猜測, 只可直譯.
2008-10-14 4:11 am
2008-10-12 7:38 pm
You might have thought on the track, and I am not authorized to give you the account monthly statement.

I only work on shipping documents.
2008-10-10 3:15 am
Whether you write it by mistake, I have no right to give you monthly closing entry,
I just do the ship affair file
參考: me
2008-10-09 3:04 am
2008-10-08 11:56 pm
I am afraid that you've got a false memory. I am not in the position to allow you on credit for a month. I am just the one to handle shipping documents.
(給你月結 - 我估係指賒帳, 月尾才結數)

2008-10-11 10:30:33 補充:
究竟知唔知乜嘢叫"月結"? 即賒賬先, 月底才一次過結算欠款!

monthly statement - 解"月結單" 而已

2008-10-15 14:05:45 補充:
我想在中文用詞來說, "月結"與"月結單"是兩碼子事, 也不是容易令人混亂吧?

2008-10-15 14:59:05 補充:
無謂嘅爭議唔再糾纏喎! 點話點好啦.....

2008-10-16 16:58:30 補充:
Hi hfchan, thanks for your enlightenment!
2008-10-08 8:48 pm
I would translate your sentences this way.
Ask yourself whether your memory serves you right or not.
Being a shipping clerk, I have no power to provide you with any
monthly statements.


2008-10-13 14:56:46 補充:
A few persons wrote " Do you get remember by mistake?"
" get" and " remember" come together makes an English grammatical mistake.

There is no such thing as" get remember" in English as I know.

2008-10-13 14:57:47 補充:
Allow me to say one thing about some folks answering the questions in this forum with online translators and all the jazz.
I do not think those online translators are good enough for us. It is simply because they often mistranslate some texts.

2008-10-13 14:58:36 補充:
,therefore I do not suggest you guys use them.
Whenever you encounter something that you do not understand at all, you may ask your English teachers , ask your friends whose English is better or even refer to the dictionary.
Good luck with your studies all of you!

2008-10-13 15:28:29 補充:
If you want me to make a sentence with " get" and " remember" together .

Here is one.
Heroes often get rememberD and their amazing legends will never die.

"get rememberD" is a passive voice here, but it would be wrong to put these two words in the active voice.

2008-10-14 01:52:18 補充:
Thanks , Day-dreaming!

I do not know how to type in Chinese.
Thank lord really!
You really stated what I had to say.
Thanks a lot once again!

2008-10-16 15:03:30 補充:
I totally agree with what HFCHAN said.
I remember having argued with a guy who said the other people's answers were all FATAL mistakes.when I saw what he wrote, I really got pissed off a lot.

Well put, buddy!
2008-10-08 6:27 pm

你好, 只依字面翻譯, 謝謝。

「Do you get remember by mistake? It is no authorization for me to give you monthly statements. I am just a clerk to do & prepare the shipping documents. Thanks. 」

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