thank you 有什麼簡單寫法.

2008-10-08 5:12 pm
例如thanks , ths, thz....<-我不知道這是不是正確的.

回答 (4)

2008-10-08 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案

" Thank you" is the correct way of saying it, but if you talk about those
short forms or Internet kind of jargons, you may type something as follows.

1) Thx ( I suggest you study proper English more.
It is mainly because those Internet short forms are not proper at all and it may
lead you the wrong way somehow)
2) Thanks( A proper word for you to use)

An example for you here:

A: Would you care for some tea?

B: Yes, please.( B wants it)
( If B doesn't want it, he or she can simply say " No, thanks".)
2008-10-17 5:48 pm
正確的寫法当然係 ' thank you ' , thanks都可以。

例如........thx, thz, TQ , 10 q .......等等
參考: 综合
2008-10-08 6:33 pm
通常會寫成 thanks, thx, thz, TQ等,但除了 thanks , 其他的都不是正確英文寫法。
2008-10-08 5:35 pm
thanks you 通常係online game d人都係(主)打thx代表thanks you 但不過有很多簡單寫法 e.g. thz ths 等...
參考: me

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