
2008-10-08 3:21 pm


回答 (2)

2008-10-08 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
十六蒲新呀嘛. 故 D 房一定好的. 位置就.... 又唔算好差. 因近新馬路 / 手信街之類嘛. 但去番旅遊塔 / 永利 / 過氹仔等就遠 D lor.
萊斯 D 房好好. 又靚景. 而且 D 房仲有露台. 好開揚. 唯一唔好就係冇車到. 有時等的士都需時 ka. 不過係正漁人碼頭內. 又係金沙對面. 如果呢兩個目標都係你想去既. 咁都 ok la......新就唔夠十六蒲新 ka la.
最後, 文華東方. 服務就幾好. 不過 D 房都幾舊下. 呢間酒店好多年 la ma. 但佢地新開既水療坊就好正 lor. 不過價錢都幾貴.
2008-10-08 11:21 pm
Not good enough, the room is great but small. The swimming pool is small. The view from the room one side is facing city central, one side is facing China "Wan Chai". The only good reason to stay there is it is very close to the pier ,you can go China "Wan Chai" to have seafood. The best hotel I choose is MGM, everything there is duluxe.If you like a quite location and good sea view, Westin is a good place.There is a secret place " 竹灣酒店" a small hotel but cozy just at the beach.If you stay at there, rent a car is more convenient.

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