is the pet microchip a gps tracking system?

2008-10-07 11:25 pm
what i want to know is how does the microchip work? if my pet gets lost will i be able to know its exact location like if someone had it at their house. or would i have to wait till someone turns it in to a animal shelter then it gets scanned & that's when they realize it has a chip. because i want a good reliable gps tracker is no use if i have to wait till my dog gets turned in i mean what if the person who has my dog never turns it in & it has a chip whats the use of it then? any helpful info would be great!! thanx.

回答 (15)

2008-10-07 11:33 pm
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A microchip is permanent identification, not gps tracking. GPS tracking is a lot more expensive and usually is handled through the use of a tracking collar as it is WAY too large to be injected under the skin with a microchip. Unfortunately, a tracking collar can be removed easily if someone finds your dog. Most animal shelters scan for microchips, so if your dog ends up there even years later you can be contacted about it.
If you want to do GPS, I would still use a microchip as it can be used as proof of identity.
Here are tracking systems..
They start at about $1000 for the receiver and collar..
2014-09-26 4:54 am
Yes, microchips are 100% for sure GPS trackers. Did you plug in your pet before they went lost???
2008-10-07 11:29 pm
No, the microchip is simply a chip that, when scanned with the device, shows the pets' name, address, phone number, etc. It is not GPS- you can get GPS for your dog, but a microchip isn't GPS and only shows informatin when it's scanned.
2016-12-11 11:56 pm
Dog Microchip Gps
2016-09-29 2:53 pm
Gps Microchip For Dogs
2008-10-08 12:54 am
No. Chips are mainly used in the case that your animal gets turned in to a vet or shelter. They do make GPS tracking collars so that you can know the exact location of your pet, but that still wouldn't work if someone steals your pet because they will most likely remove the collar.
2008-10-07 11:33 pm
It's an RFID chip embedded in a glass capsule, it has nothing to do with GPS. It's the same technology that retail stores use for inventory control (the scanners you walk through on the way out the door) It can only be read by a device in very close proximity to it. Vets & shelters have the readers, and will scan an animal when they are first given it. The hope is, that if your animal gets lost or stolen, a vet or shelter will ID the animal and return it to you.
2008-10-07 11:30 pm
It is an RFID Chip
It is like a tag, so they know who the dog is, it's home address so on and so forth, they can probably obtain medical data in there too, like my dog was a diabetic, so it would show its id and that he was a diabetic so he could get his insulin.

It is a chip that data is coded on and reacts with a radio frequency.

It is not gps as gps would require a battery. This is just a chip with coded info on it.
2008-10-07 11:29 pm
No. It just contains a code that the company matches up to the animal/owner's information...then the rightful owner can be notified. You can not track an animal by satellite with a microchip.
2008-10-07 11:30 pm
It depends on the chip. Some of the chips contain gps technology. Older chips just have information about the pet on it.

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