
2008-10-08 3:12 am


回答 (6)

2008-10-08 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I supposed you have heard about the recent scandal of the Chinese poisoned milk products. First of all, I, being a Chinese, have to apologize to all the victims from every corner of the world. I am shamed on those black sheep too.
I have no idea how the foreign media will report our cases? Indeed, I hope you can understand those individual cases can't apply to all milk related products in China are under the same allegation. I wish you can still be my friend continuously.

2008-10-10 19:27:16 補充:
Last sentence revised as:
I wish you can keep on regarding me as your friend.
2008-10-08 4:41 am
Recently, China-fake milk scandal, I think you should have heard the first, as a Chinese person in the world I should be the victims say that I am sorry that I am also ashamed of some of the black sheep of the foreign media, I do not know how We reported that, but I hope you can understand that not all the Chinese hope that you and I will continue to be friends
參考: me
2008-10-08 4:00 am
Recently the Chinese system dairy product creating a false impression scandal I thought that you should hear first, took a Chinese I should the human who suffered injury to the world saying that was unfair to me also for that some evil horse to feel was ashamed I not to know how the foreign media did report us, but hoped that you could understand that was not China hoped completely you will continue with me to be the friend.
參考: me
2008-10-08 3:51 am
I think you has known the bad news that about the milk products made in China. First,to be a responsible Chinese,I should say sorry to the victims. Moreover,I felt shame of the bad guy that cause this news.I do not know how the foreigh medias to report us,but I hope that you understand that it is not the all of China. Hopefully,we are still friends.

參考: me
2008-10-08 3:20 am
Recently the Chinese system dairy product made the vacation scandal I
to think you should hear first, took a Chinese I should the person
which suffered injury to the world say sorry me also to harm the
horse for that some to feel was ashamed I not to know how the foreign
media did report us, but hoped you could understand that was not China
completely hoped you could continue and me are the friend.
2008-10-08 3:20 am
Recently the Chinese system dairy product creating a false impression scandal I thought that you should hear first, took a Chinese I should the human who suffered injury to the world saying that was unfair to me also for that some rascal to feel was ashamed I not to know how the foreign media did report us, but hoped that you could understand that was not China hoped completely you will continue with me to be the friend

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