Maths ge 題目..唔識..幫幫手(15 點!!!)

2008-10-08 1:41 am
其實係accounting ge 題目..但有maths 成分:

係求breakeven point !

Let 10/6 x = no. of units of A to break even
x = no. of units of B to break even

Sales - Varable costs - Fixed Costs = Zero net profit

Sales ( $5 per unit for A , $ 10 per unit for B )
Variable cost ($4 for A , $3 for B)

$5( 10/6 x)+$10 (x) - $4 (10/6 x)-$3 (x) - $30000 = 0


要detail d !!!


It does not matter if 唔識breakeven ,



p.s. 不是10/6x 係 10/6 再隔理係x!^^

回答 (4)

2008-10-08 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sales of A = Unit price x breakeven quantity = (5)(10x/6) = 50x/6.
Variable Cost of A = unit cost x breakeven quantity = (4)(10x/6) = 40x/6.
Sales of B = 10x
Variable Cost of B = 3x.
For breakeven. Sales = Cost.
50x/6 + 10x = 40x/6 + 3x + 30000
Multiply all terms by 6, we get
50x + 60x = 40x + 18x + 180000
50x + 60x - 40x - 18x = 180000
52x = 180000
x = 180000/52 = 3461 = quantity for B.
Quantity for A = (180000/52)(10/6) = 577.
2008-10-08 4:26 am
Sales of A = Unit price x breakeven quantity = (5)(10x/6) = 50x/6.

Variable Cost of A = unit cost x breakeven quantity = (4)(10x/6) = 40x/6.

Sales of B = 10x

Variable Cost of B = 3x.

For breakeven. Sales = Cost.

50x/6 + 10x = 40x/6 + 3x + 30000

Multiply all terms by 6, we get

50x + 60x = 40x + 18x + 180000

50x + 60x - 40x - 18x = 180000

52x = 180000

x = 180000/52 = 3461 = quantity for B.

Quantity for A = (180000/52)(10/6) = 577.
參考: my maths knowledge
2008-10-08 1:58 am
$5( 10/6 x)+$10 (x) - $4 (10/6 x)-$3 (x) - $30000 = 0
p.s. I don't know whether it is correct or not, please check carefully :)
參考: Myself
2008-10-08 1:50 am
I don't know because i just F1.

It is to hard ,

so I don't know and

sorry I can't help you.


you can find the answer from the classmate

or teather

or parent.
參考: me

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