
2008-10-07 11:57 pm

回答 (2)

2008-10-08 11:10 pm
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"所有" Prepositions?

英文的介詞有百多個, 不可能在一題回答中給你 "所有" 要求的東西. 只可提供一些重要資料及網站給你參考. 較常見的是一些較短的字 (如 in, at), 但也有些表面看是動詞, 其實卻是 prepositions (如 concerning 一字, 可有 about 的意思). 以下是在 englishclub.com 找到的一個 list:aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along,amid, among, anti, around, as, at,before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by,concerning, considering,despite, down, during,except, excepting, excluding,following, for, from,in, inside, into,like, minus, near,of, off, on, onto, opposite, outside, over,past, per, plusregarding, round,save, since,than, through, to, toward(s),under, underneath, until, up, upon,versus, via,with, within, without.http://www.englishclub.com/grammar/prepositions-list.htm
此外, prepositions 也可以是由多個一個單字組成的. 以下是在 keepandshare.com 找到的:according to, ahead of, as far as, as well as,by means of, due to, far from, in addition to, in case of, in front of, in place of, in spite of,inside of, instead ofnext to,on account of, on behalf of, on top of, outside of, owing to,prior to, with regards to,其他 prepositions:amidst, atop, mid, notwithstanding, throughout, tillhttp://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?u=13166

以下這 list 有例子解釋:
2008-10-09 7:21 am
This question is funny, it's certainly impossible to give you all the meaning of prepositions in here!!!

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