Past participle

2008-10-07 11:10 pm
將以下句子改為Past participle ,

1)The letter was badly written. I found it difficult to understand it.
2)He was occupied with important matters. He had no leisure time to see
3)The audience was impressed with the performance of the pianist. They
began to shed tears.
4)He was weary of uncertainty. He emigrated to China.
5)He was unwilling to go any further. He returned home.

回答 (3)

2008-10-08 12:55 am
不知是你老師的文法概念有混淆,還是你問錯問題。因一個動詞的 participle(part of speech) , 例如: worry 的 present participle 是 worrying, past participle 是 worried. 所以上面句子耍改,只能改tense。例如由過去式改為現在完成式或過去完成式。請澄清你要的東西。
2008-10-08 12:52 am
1)The letter was badly written. I have (found) it difficult to understand it.
I found it difficult to understand the badly (written) letter.
2)He was occupied with important matters. He has (had) no leisure time to see
3)The audience was impressed with the performance of the pianist. They
have (begun) to shed tears.
4)He was weary of uncertainty. He has (emigrated) to China.
5)He was unwilling to go any further. He has (returned) home.

Note: I have (bracketed) the past participles for your easy reference.
2008-10-07 11:26 pm
1)The letter has been badly written. I have found it difficult to understand it.
2)He has been occupied with important matters. He had no leisured time to see visitors.
3)The audience have impressed with the performance of the pianist. Thet have begun to shed tears.
4)He has weary of uncertainty. He has emigrated to China.
5)He has unwilling to go any further. He has returned home.
參考: myself

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