有英文唔識 快d 20分

2008-10-07 9:02 pm
I can fly everywhere but I am not a bird.
Sometimes I am white ,sometimes dark.
When there is a bright flash
And a loud bang in the sky,
I will get frightened and cry.
What am I?

Which ending word rhymes with'cry'?

What is the 'bright flash' and 'loud bang' in the sky?

回答 (6)

2008-10-07 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is a "Firework".

The ending word that rhymes wing 'cry' is 'sky'.

Bright means 'full of light', flash as a noun means 'a sudden bright light that shines for a moment and then disappears. Therefore, the phase means 'a very strong sudden light'.

Loud bang means a very big sound of exposition.

Hoping that it can help you to solve the problem. If you still have any question, you are welcome to send me an e-mail.
參考: Just for fun
2008-10-08 1:44 am
1.I am cloud.

2.'sky' rhymes with'cry'.

3.'bright flash'(明亮的閃光),'loud bang'(大聲的轟隆)

2008-10-07 17:47:28 補充:
'bright flash'=lightning

'loud bang'=thunder
參考: me, me
2008-10-07 9:22 pm
I am a cloud.
"cry" - raining
bright flash - lightning
loud bang - thunder
2008-10-07 9:19 pm
'What is the 'bright flash' and 'loud bang' in the sky?
bright flash'~lightning閃電

'loud bang'~thunder雷

What am I?wind風/cloud雲
參考: 自己
2008-10-07 9:14 pm
the words sky and I rhyme with the word cry
and bright flash means lightning, 閃電
loud bang in the sky means thunder, 雷聲
hope this helps!
2008-10-07 9:13 pm
What am I? It is cloud.

cry rhymes with sky.

bright flash is lightning, 'loud bang' is thunder
參考: me!

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