
2008-10-07 12:19 pm


我有想過去登別or洞爺湖....在那裡有什麼地方是必去? 必做?



回答 (5)

2008-10-21 3:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1.Try the local expensive Japanese dinner and traitional hotel run by
Japanese perople.
2. To see the old Japanese castle
3. To visit the shop which sell traditional pattern T-shirt and bags (limite edition)
4. Buy Traditional Japanese cake /desert ( I brought one in the Sin-Osaka JR
station, even local Japanese brought it as gift and some time are sold out in a
short time)

Infomration source from: books name京都 borrowed from public library,
from a Japanese whom was born in region close to 京都 andI met in a business trip and from a friend who visit that region. I prepared this schedule for my
last business trip in Kobe but it was snowing, raining and have storm in Feb
2008 and I cancel my lesisure trip to 京都


1.登別or洞爺湖 to enjoy hot spring and 洞爺湖 have fireworks at night.
2.Go to Rasutu hotel and resort. It is a six star hotel but it is far away from 小樽、涵館 and close to 登別or洞爺湖
3. If you go to 北海道 in summer and you can see the beautiful flowers and
4. To taste the sea food
5. Try to live in the hotel run by Japanese
6. Take the small and old train from urban area to country side. There is a
book in public library to tell you all the train that you must try for Japan
leisure trip for sightseeing
7. 北海道 is famous for the wild animal, you can go to hvae a look a bear
zoo. I saw a small fox 登別 hotspring region and deers at the highway.

Information source: personal experience and infromation from friends

Advice: If you do not like 滑雪, it is better not go to Japan in winter as you
will lost change to enjoy beautiful scenery. Snow is the cause in winter that
you cannot enjoy your outdoor activities very much and something it cause
serious trouble in transportation.
2008-10-08 6:02 pm
因沒直航機, 由香港到京都要先經大阪, 且冬天日照時間會短些, 第1天到京都的話已約黃昏至晚上時候, 在京都遊2天後乘機到北海道的話可先到函館並住1晚, 後順序往洞爺及登別, 各住1晚, 最後回札幌逛逛回港.
2008-10-08 6:51 am
2008-10-07 9:25 pm
2008-10-07 7:04 pm
你行程真的很緊,因為京都沒有機場 ,所以要先到大阪乘JR再往京都

day 1 香港------->大阪關西機場------>乘JR再往京都
day 2 京都
day 3 京都 -------> 下午往大阪留宿,準備明早往大阪關西機場 ,乘內陸機往札幌
day 4 乘約8:40或 10:35 的內陸機往札幌 (航程約2小時),中午便可以到札幌市中心
day 5 去登別or洞爺湖 (這兩地方主要是浸溫泉),還可以去有珠火山乘纜車或去登別市郊的伊達時代村
day 6 可到旭川參觀旭山動物園 ,吃旭川拉面 ----->夜上回札幌市
day 7 札幌市------->(如果喜歡Shopping 的話,可在新千歳機場附近的RERA Outlet 行行再上機--------->香港

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