
2008-10-07 9:21 am
用DC.. 大機...
想拍夜晚D 星星...(滿天星哥D...)

(我唔係住HK... 我現在的地方好易看到滿天都係星星...不過唔知點影..我自己得部GX100... 用過人地GE NIKON D40..都唔識拍星星..)



回答 (3)

2008-10-16 9:40 am
Pleae try the following:

1.赤道儀 +腳架
2.長炮 is not necessary
3.曝光時間 must increase
4.快門速度 decrease
5. Use of umberlla to shield the light source around or behind
6. Use of small torch shield by red transparent paper. You need a small torch
to have light to set up the equipment. But a normal yellow or white light
torch will affect your vision to star.

Better to have the photo after raining becuase the dust particle in the sky will
be washed away and have a better and clear image.
參考: I like astronomy very much and I help my friend to take photos of star when I was young
2008-10-08 11:12 am
想拍夜晚D 星星,必須要用腳架及標準鏡或廣角鏡,設定為手動曝光及手動對焦(焦距為無限遠),曝光時間可用8秒至10秒(以標準鏡為例),如果曝光不足,就要提高iso值或開大光圈。因為地球會自轉,而且轉得十分之快,用長炮就更加明顯,必須要降低快門速度至1、2秒之間,此舉對低光度環境十分不利,因此盡可能不用長炮。如果能配備電腦追星儀,又另當別論。
2008-10-08 8:32 am
no ar, wide angle is also ok, but may need a 赤道儀, because sky is moving :-)

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