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usually, we treated the taxable loss as a non-asset nor liability.
Only the period loss / year loss will be shown on P&L and Balance sheet.
So, if we have a taxable loss after the tax computation, there will be no entry for the accounting treatment, because we're not to pay any tax within the financial year.
We can set-off the provision for tax, if we had prepaid tax in previous year, which is a Balance sheet item. So we can only make entry, if there is any return of prepaid tax.
e.g the tax paid in year1 (include prepayment) is $10000 and the prepayment is $3000, it should be a current asset in balance sheet ($3000)
in year 2, if we have suffer a loss , and no taxation to be paid in this year, we should take the entry when we get back the prepayment of $3000 from the Goverment .
(the entry will be Dr. Bank $3000,
Cr. Tax refundable $3000)
actually, if there only a loss in this year, and no other profit/loss in previous year,
we don't need take any entry for provision of loss