
2008-10-07 5:39 am
我覺得大學, 係一個你prepare的地方, 而且還會找到生命中咩野重要既, 所以要好好想追尋的, 就好好利用呢2年/3年黎好好預備~ 如有人想improve自己的social skill, 學响社會做事, 就上不同的學會, 參加不同的活動; 有人想自己畢業的profile寫得靚d, 就會好積極參加相關的工職, 讀相關的course; 有人想拿好的gpa, 就埋頭讀書...

回答 (2)

2008-10-08 1:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think that the university is a place where you prepare yourself for the future and where you will discover what is important to you in your life. Therefore, if one wants to seek what they want, one should put the 2 or 3 years of university life to full use to equip oneself. If one would like to improve one's social skills so that they can better deal with people when working in the society, one can become an executive committee member of clubs and societies so as to take part in more activities. If one would like to compile an impressive resume, one should actively take up jobs and enroll in relevant courses. If one would like to achieve a high GPA, one should study hard.
2008-10-07 5:47 am
I think universities, a system where you prepare, but also to find Mieye life is important, so the search for better Hao Xiang, make good use of it for 2 years / 3 years to prepare properly Lebanon if people want to improve their social skill , Sound social science work on different societies, to participate in different activities; someone wants to write their own graduate profile Liang d, good will to participate actively in the work related to the post, read the relevant course; wanted was a good gpa, Hard to read ...

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