
2008-10-07 2:15 am
題目係traveling experience.
而且我要做introduction 同結尾.

回答 (1)

2008-10-08 2:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, say hello, good morning or.......
After, you can introduce yourself (Name, Title if need) and state the topic of interview.
"lets start our topic."
"Do you had travelling as before?"..........
"Do U always travelling?" if Yes "How often or How long?"..........
"Any places you had been travelled ?"
"Which travel is most impressed U?"
"Why do your mentioned travel is most impressed U?"
"It is greatest experience and than you your sharing"
"Thank you for your sharing, it really interesting."
"I think I will go to ........... caused your introduce."
"Today's interview had finished, thank you!"

Not only the questions which you asked, also give time for the guys/girls to answer, smile, be comfort, slowly and clear your questions.
3 mins. it very short and easy to gone.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:02:24
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