f.4 mathz..about functions and graphs,,y=kx+x^2?

2008-10-07 2:13 am
Consider the quadratic function

a) Determine whether the parabola that represents it opens upward or downward.

b) Does the graph of the function pass through the origin?

c) It is given that the coordinates of the vertex of the graph of the function are (-2, -4).

i) Write down the axis of symmetry of the graph of the function.
ii) Sketch the graph of the function.<<呢題做唔到可以唔做.因為係要畫圖,,比較唔方便,,,但係如果你地唔怕麻煩既就,,緊係萬分感激!

回答 (1)

2008-10-07 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Explanation as follows:

參考: My Maths Knowledge

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